“In Lime we have found a true business partner: Lime’s modern, powerful online software is backed by leading insights and proven industry expertise brought to the table by Carly, Matt and their team.”
Airports are in our blood. They are our passion with over 150+ years of collective experience in airports and airlines.
Meet the Lime’s Aviation Team
Over 150+ years of combined aviation industry experience
GM Business Development &
Marketing Queensland Airports
Principal Consultant Airbiz
CFO Queensland Airports Ltd
CFO Alliance Airlines
CFO Queensland Motorways
Supported by a highly skilled digital team and project managers. Team Lime is your partner in data driven decision making.
Managing Director Tourism
Futures International
Business Development Manager
Sunshine Coast Airport
CFO Sunshine Coast Airport
Senior Network Analyst Jetstar Airways
Analyst Northern Territory Airports
Analyst North Queensland Airports
All your data in one spot
+Tailored Data Solutions
Lime is the ‘house’ for any data source. Aggregating data together to build a central data layer and reports via our easy to use platform. Tailored to you and all self-service for ultimate data distribution.
We call it ‘Business Intelligence As A Service’.
Jon Nichols
Director, Hawkes Bay Airport
“How is my airport and flight’s performing?”
“How much money am I making in each part of the business? PSR, IPP”
“What are my daily and monthly car park results vs passengers”
“What’s coming in the future? How does it compare to current schedules?”
“Who are my passengers and what opportunities exist for new routes and how satisfied are they with the terminal facilities?”
“Do I have any leakage to other airports? Who isn’t flying and why?”
“How are my airfares tracking compared to other airports?”
“How is my airport tracking vs rest of industry?” “Cancellations?”
“What is the outlook short and long term?”
“Help me with self service budgeting for the next 1-3 years”
“Help me with a specific airline business case or analysis”
“Give me a central source of truth for all my airport data in one platform with the ability to cross compare data sources to drive true meaning and insights”
Do you know what’s coming your way?
Lime Intelligence has partnered with global scheduling giant OAG to provide weekly updates of forward schedule data – with tailored reports ready to use. Exciting!
Lime Intelligence and Tourism Futures International (TFI) have joined forces to deliver airports cutting edge forecasting solutions.
Long Term Econometric Modelling and Forecasting (up to 70 years)
With a number of successful airport traffic forecasting project already under our belt, we are working to continue to deliver gold standard forecasting in a collaborative and data driven style.
Example forecast customers include: Hobart Airport, Canberra Airport, Nelson Airport, Port Lincoln Airport, Tasports, Port Hedland Airport, Agilis Airports (Sunshine Coast and Coffs Harbour).
Lime also was involved in the winning bid team, in their role as traffic forecaster and airport advisor, for the purchase of Queensland Airports Limited announced in September 2024.
Short Term Self-Service Forecasting Tool
Lime Intelligence have now built a powerful short-term forecasting and budgeting online tool for airports.
Talk to us today to see how this will save your hours of time.
“Lime Intelligence is noted for seeking innovative solutions and their organisation has positioned itself as a well known, reliable and trusted airport business intelligence organisation across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
Both Founders speak frequently at international conferences, sharing their airport knowledge on issues where they are thought leaders in their fields of data analytics and airport business development.
Lime Intelligence has built its reputation enabling airports large and small to have access to key data insights needed to grow revenue and identify business challenges. .”
CAPA – Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, Founder
“Now it is completely self -driven by the customer and that has been astonishing to us about how easy it’s been “
Sara Cartwright, Facilities and Customer Manager
Hawkes Bay Airport
Product: Live Ongoing Passenger Research “Prior to Lime, we conducted surveys every six months, gathering a maximum of 350 responses each period. The information was delayed and resource-intensive to collect. Since switching to Lime in March (2024), we have collected around 3,000 customer surveys, which is incredible. It is completely self -driven by the customer and that has been astonishing to us about how easy it’s been. The switch to Lime has been a real game changer.”“The overall experience with Lime and the support you offered has made the whole process very seamless. We will definitely use Lime again for this“
Trevor Wilcox, Chief Executive Officer
Mildura Airport
Product: Passenger Research All aspects of the Passenger Research Module have helped to inform our decision making processes, in particular the route development insights that have been highlighted as well as the passenger demographics. These are very useful when talking to our airlines about new opportunities. We conducted our own surveys in the past, however Lime gathers a wider range of information and has been far easier to use via the QR code. The recommendations at the end of the survey have helped us to identify that we have an ongoing public transport issue and we have already taken steps to improve this. The overall experience with Lime and the support you offered has been very effective and has made the whole process very seamless. We will definitely use Lime again for this!Lime currently consults with a number of airports across Australia, New Zealand the Pacific Island region. Our one and only goal with everyone we consult with is to uncover key insights that will drive your business forward.
We understand the argument that any templated online platform can be accused of being a “cookie cutter” approach.
Not the case with our reporting tool. We can work with airports on taking in multiple sources of data from finance through to security data to give a more holistic understanding of airport dynamics.
Just more ways that we de-risk your investment in our platform.
“In Lime we have found a true business partner: Lime’s modern, powerful online software is backed by leading insights and proven industry expertise brought to the table by Carly, Matt and their team.”
Hamilton Airport NZ
“Our vision at Rockhampton Airport was to provide Council with industry standard reporting, analysis, and business intelligence so that we could make informed business decisions based on factual, not assumptive, data.
Using Lime Intelligence unique, centralised ‘one-stop’ online reporting tool has allowed us to identify and respond promptly to business challenges, changes and seize new opportunities within the market.
The Commercial module has allowed us to move away from the numerous Excel spreadsheets we used to keep.”
Rockhampton Airport
“LimeIntel is an embedded family member of our team that have consistently delivered outstanding results to complex problems. Through LimeIntel’s data, market research and advocacy Albury Airport continues to grow strongly even through the most significant challenges. LimeIntel’s collaborative approach and prioritisation of a business’ needs to achieve desired outcomes for corporate success is a distinguish factor. Where time is a critical resource within a business LimeIntel provides instant insights for sound data driven decision in a constantly evolving environment.”
Albury Airport
“Lime’s BI Platform Dashboards is saving 20 hrs per week in report preparing across the business. The guys are getting data immediately, rather than spending so long on just putting the reports together. It’s been a game changer to have everything at their fingertips. A few months into having Lime’s BIAAS solution, we are increasing our profit margins as we are more aware of data and driving the team to push margins. We haven’t had any stock overruns with the visibility we have over the business and focus it gives us.”
“Lime Intelligence us a great tool to assist Canberra Airport understand what is happening from a business perspective, whether that’s analysing load data and identifying trends, to highlights opportunities for growth, thought the aggregation of a number of data sources in to a single user friendly customisable platform.”
Canberra Airport
We have built reports around easily identifying airport specific KPI’s based on our 150+ years of experience in aviation.
We have built reports around easily identifying airport specific KPI’s based on our 150+ years of experience in aviation.
We have built reports around easily identifying airport specific KPI’s based on our 150+ years of experience in aviation.
All you need to know in your back pocket.
We deliver confidence through our extensive expertise and focus
on aviation Business Intelligence (BI) solutions.
Lime was founded on building data and reporting solutions for airports.
Collectively, we have over 150+ years of airport business experience.