Lime Dynamic is our Business Intelligence As A Service (BIAAS) solution for business owners and operators who want to have easy access to their numbers.
Do you have multiple systems that don’t ‘talk’ to each other?
Example: CRM, Finance system, inventory system, project management, marketing tools, payment gateways?
Do you spend hours using spreadsheets trying to get an overall picture of what is happening in your business?
Does it take hours to get answers to questions and find the right data?
Then it’s time to Lime!
Imagine having total focus by having key insights in your back pocket. Not sure where to get started? This is where Lime Dynamic comes in.
Following our Lime 5 Step Process for Powerful BI Solutions, we take you from unsure to total confidence with this tailored and customised solution.
Lime Enterprise is our Business Intelligence As A Service (BIAAS) for business owners and executive teams operating larger size businesses with larger teams.
Lime Intelligence has worked with multiple larger scale enterprises and understand the business requirements and internal strategies to deliver success. These solutions are tailored to each business needs and leverage our wealth of experience and first class technology tools.
Talk to our business intelligence specialist today and understand how Lime can transform your organisation focus and access to key insights. Not only saving significant time but delivering a solution at a faster face with a multi disciplined team.
Lime Intelligence has built 1000’s of dashboards to answer key questions from ‘how is my marketing campaign performing, to what is my profit margin by customer or product?
Lime Intelligence uses cutting edge global tools and combines these into our unique recipe for a full service, end to end, business intelligence solution.
Our bespoke online platform gives customers a unique experience which is user friends and enables anyone to access reports and understand how to find the insights as well as access the dashboards from any location on any device.
Lime Intellingece has built a wealth ofexperience in data and analytics acrossmultiple industries. We understand howto simplify complex challenges and canhelp guide you along a path from dataoverwhelm to easy decision making andstructure. Lime has also over 150+ years as a teamin aviation experience from marketresarch, business development topassenger forecasting.
Lime has connected to hundreds of different systems and built 1,000’s of data pipelines. We know how to get your data our securely, cleanse and store it so it makes sense. You don’t need to have the perfect system to have visibility over your data and capture crucial insights. Lime can sit over the top and give you what you need. This process is faster, cheaper and enables you to join multiple sources of data together under one ‘roof’.
Industries we work in
We provide a comprehensive dashboard solution for optometry data analysis and visualization. We offer customizable, interactive dashboards, integrating seamlessly with existing optometry software. We enable easy tracking of key metrics, trend identification, and proactive practice management.
Freight dashboards centralise all your key data in one easy-to-use online platform. They clearly visualise all your KPIs and insights into easy to read reports with ‘drill down‘ capability. Take away the headaches of reworking multiple spreadsheets and the time lag this takes. Lime Intelligence Freight Dashboards unlocks your CargoWise key insights and puts this all at your fingertips. Low maintenance, easy, powerful.
We get airports and what is critical data to effectively operate, manage and future proof airport businesses. Lime has an off the shelf tailored Airport Product that has evolved with the input of our current 27 airport customers to give you easy access to flight data, commercial revenue, car park data, forward scheduling as well as forecasting and passenger research.
In the busy world of manufacturing, Business Intelligence (BI) and data analytics are your secret weapons! Our customised manufacturing dashboards blend right into your existing systems, shining a light on your key metrics. Improve efficiency, cut down costs and navigate the ups and downs with agility and confidence for growth.
Lime works across all industries and can join data from any system into one central location. We have worked with 100’s of systems across more than 15 industries in the past 5 years. Let’s talk and make your life easier.